Thursday, February 2, 2012


From: Mr. Adama Yamba
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Dear Good Friend,

Compliment of the season to you; there is absolutely going to be a great doubt and distrust in your heart in respect of this email, coupled with the fact that, so many miscreants and impostors (scammers) have taken possession of the internet to facilitate their nefarious deeds, thereby making it extremely difficult for genuine and legitimate business class persons to get attention and recognition.

I am Mr. Adama Yamba, I have a business proposal of Ten Million United States Dollars (US$10 M) which I want you to handle with me from my bank as a beneficiary. If you are interested, please send me your full contact information as below and after that I will send to you the details of the business.
Also this matter should be a confidential between you and me and please delete it if you are not interested, I don't want any person in my bank to know that I am involve during the process. Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.

1. Full name:
2. Current Address:
3. Telephone N°:
4. Occupation:
5. Age:
6. Country:

Yours Truly
Mr. Adama Yamba