Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Web Attacks Skyrocketed 93% In 2010

The volume and sophistication of online attacks continues to increase. In fact, the daily volume of Web-based attacks increased by 93% from 2009 to 2010, while attack toolkits grew to account for two-thirds of all Web-based threats. 

In particular, the report found that hacking results in an average of 262,767 identities exposed per data breach incident. Accounting for many fewer lost records are insiders (68,418), theft or loss (67,528), insecure policies (30,572), or fraud (6,353). ...


Sunday, April 3, 2011

New data from TeleGeography's GlobalComms Database shows record mobile subscriber growth in Q4

New data from TeleGeography's GlobalComms Database shows record mobile subscriber growth in Q4 2010

The fourth quarter of 2010 saw a net increase of 196 million mobile subscribers across the world, beating the previous record of just under 190 million new subscribers set in Q4 2007. It is typical to see a substantial uptick in subscriber growth during the final three months of a year, but the size of this figure provides a pleasant boost to the wireless industry, whose growth had been somewhat constrained by the global recession. In aggregate, mobile subscribers grew by almost 690 million globally in 2010, to over 5.3 billion.

India was one of the main drivers of the record quarterly increase; even by its outsized standards of growth, the final quarter of the year was exceptional. India's mobile operators added 63 million subscribers in the three-month period – a number which exceeds the total subscriber count in either France, Spain, or South Korea. China was once again the country with the second largest subscriber increase, but the number of mobile subscribers in India is rapidly catching up with China. While mobile subscribers in India grew by 42% in 2010, China's mobile base grew by just 14%, and there is now just a 90 million gap between the two countries.

The next highest ranked countries for subscriber growth in the fourth quarter were Brazil, Indonesia, The United Sates, Nigeria, and Egypt. While Asia and other rapidly developing economies continue to drive wireless subscriber growth, the end of 2010 also saw trend-beating growth in some mature markets – including Germany, France and Mexico. 'This was a stand-out quarter for the industry,' said TeleGeography's Mark Gibson. 'While the overall growth rate is declining as more wireless markets edge closer to maturity, the increase of almost 200 million subscribers in one quarter suggests that plenty of exciting business development opportunities remain. We project that the number of global wireless subscribers will top seven billion at the end of 2014.'

The GlobalComms Database (http://www.telegeography.com/product-info/global_comms/index.php) is TeleGeography's regularly updated online database of wireless, broadband, and wireline competition. No other telecommunications market research service rivals GlobalComms' geographic scope and depth of coverage. For further information, please contact Mark Gibson (mgibson@telegeography.com) or call +1-202-741-0020.

Source: TeleGeography's GlobalComms Database

Globes: High-tech bridges Israeli, Palestinian economies

High-tech bridges Israeli, Palestinian economies 

Companies see the advantage of working together. 

17 March 11 14:43, Mira Awwad 

Peace and an end to the exhausting Israeli-Palestinian conflict may be facilitated by the business sector, possibly because business interests trump political stubbornness and tensions. "Bloomberg" cites a report by international disaster relief NGO Mercy Corps as saying that 32% of Palestinian technology companies cooperate with Israeli companies through sales and outsourcing agreements. 

"Bloomberg" reports that Mellanox Technologies Ltd. (Nasdaq:MLNX; TASE:MLNX) has picked the West Bank for a new software design center. 

"Bloomberg" says, "Israeli companies are following Intel Corporation (Nasdaq: INTC) and Cisco Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: CSCO), which have been outsourcing to Palestinian companies, including Asal Technologies Ltd. and Exalt Technologies Ltd. for more than a decade." 

Mellanox chairman and CEO Eyal Waldman told "Bloomberg," "Israelis and Palestinians are in the same time zone and are pretty similar culturally." He chose the Ramallah after considering India and China, because of lower costs and the proximity to the Mellanox headquarters in Yokne'am Ilit. 

Israeli and Palestinian executives say building up private industry is critical for further economic growth and peace in the region. 

Fanzilla, a social-networking software company that develops corporate Facebook fan pages, recently hired two West Bank software developers for its team. One is already a team leader and both are developing new features. 

"Bloomberg cites an IMF report as saying that the Palestinian technology sector has grown to 250 companies employing 5,800 people in the past five years. That helped the West Bank economy expand about 8% last year, from 7.2% in 2009. 

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on March 17, 2011 
© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2011 

Go MVC ...?

after long time of trying and learning MVC framework , today i get to the best one ...
Zend Framework ,
really i like it , and its perfect for any web application ....

i will start blogging about Zend framework starting from the next week ... wait me