Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Some usefull joomla resources (books )

if you are looking for joomla books which can benifit you in building your skills like what i have do , you can buy one or many from the following listed book in amazon!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Joomla CMS-Tutorial0 Joomla from scratch to proffisionallity-Lesson Set

Hello ,
welcome to my personal blog , today we will start Joomla tutorial as my first post in my blog ,
joomla is an open source content management system which is full of features that can be used to build websites and other web applications

what we can build with joomla :
- news website
-eCommerce Web site
-company web site
-General web site
and much more ,
please follow me in the coming days i will start my Lessons one by one , to give you ability to learn Joomla From scratch to proportionality,,,
tutorial will be also published on my company site

i will modify this post later to add links to all new lessons ,,,,,
don't miss our date , within 7 days from now  the firs lesson will be published